
I have known my fiance since freshman year of high school. I always thought he was cute and I knew he kind of had a crush on me but we were always in relationships so nothing ever happened. He did come up to my boyfriend one time and told him that he hopes he knew that he was dating a goddess; I never forgot that!


Fast forward to 11 years later, we're friends on Facebook but don't talk much. I was 2 years out of an 11-year relationship with my longtime high school boyfriend and a single mom of a 2-year-old. I randomly get a FB message from my now fiance asking if I wanted to go out for a drink or even ice cream. I wasn't sure what to think because he had worded it where it could be him asking me out but it could also just be he wanted to catch up. I nervously answered back that I would love to catch up. We met up at a local bar/restaurant and had an amazing time, it had been a very long time since someone made me laugh like he did. People around the restaurant must have noticed the Sparks too because an older gentleman came up to him and said if he kept me laughing like that I could fall in love with him, and I did just that! Words can't describe how I feel about this man. He looks at me like he's won the lottery and makes me feel loved every day like I've never felt before in my entire life. Watching him bind and fall in love with my daughter has been one of the greatest gifts I couldn't ever have imagined!

He proposed to me on Christmas Eve. The last gift I opened contained a sign that said "Garcia's est. 2018" I looked at it and thought it was so sweet but I didn't quite understand. When I looked up he was down on one knee holding a ring in his hand. It took a long minute for him to actually ask me because we were both crying lol. I, of course, said yes and I am the happiest I have ever been in my life. When I first met him I didn't know he would end up being my soul mate, life has a funny and destined way of bringing people together and I'm so glad that it brought his way to me! I'm truly blessed!