John & Toni


My boyfriend and I had planned to take couple pictures because we had been dating for over five years and it had been a while since we took any. On Dec. 2nd we planned to take our holiday photos. Before we left the house, I specifically asked John (my boyfriend) to pack my black turtleneck. I even handed it to him. We were going to change into our second outfit when we got to the place that we were being photographed. He said “I packed everything and we are all ready to go”. Once we arrived at the park, we took our first set of photos and it was perfect. We then decided to go into the bathroom and change into our second outfit. As I was changing, I started to panic because the top that I had given him to pack was not in the bag. We were 30 minutes from home and we were paying the photographer by the hour. So, I ran to the car and checked EVERYWHERE. THERE WAS NO TOP. I was 100% pissed. When he came out of the bathroom I immediately began yelling at him. “I asked you to do ONE THING and you couldn’t even do that.” I stormed away and got in the car. Everyone (including the photographer) followed suit. Once we got back to our place, John apologized and asked if I wanted to change into my outfit and find somewhere around the complex to take our final shots. After I calmed down, I agreed. About an hour in, the photographer asked us to try a pose with leaves. He said “Toni, I want you to turn around with your back facing John. When I count to three, throw the leaves and turn around”. I did it three times and each time was worse than the other. Finally after the fourth try, I turned around and John was on one knee in the most perfect way. He planned the entire thing. Even the screw up. It was the most frustrating and happiest day of my life and I can't wait to have many more.